
The only food that saves kidneys from dialysis!

It is known that eating habits have a direct impact on people’s health. In this context, it is necessary to pay attention to the foods consumed in order to strengthen the immune system and protect the body organs. At this point, experts who drew attention to potassium, pointed out that this content has a vital importance.

Stating that potassium is one of the cornerstones of the body, experts stated that everyone should consume foods rich in potassium, regardless of age and gender. Expressing that potassium has many contributions to the body, experts listed those foods that stand out with their high potassium ratios one by one.

Experts, who made some explanations about what potassium does and how it contributes to the body, pointed out that potassium plays an active role in the working order of the heart, kidneys, nerves and muscles. Stating that potassium, an electrolyte mineral, is effective in the response of the nerves to the stimuli and the contraction of the muscles, the experts emphasized that the heart muscles are also included in the said muscles.

Stating that the main benefits of potassium are its blood pressure stabilization, experts stated that the daily potassium needs of women are on average 2,600 milligrams, and the daily potassium needs of men are around 3,400 milligrams on average.

Stating that potassium mineral, which is effective in many body structures such as heart, kidney, muscle and nerve, and also helps to balance high blood pressure, is found in many foods, experts pointed out that the rate of potassium is quite high in some foods. Experts listed those foods rich in potassium as follows:

Seafood (mackerel, tuna, halibut, salmon, etc.)

Natural juices (orange juice, pomegranate juice, etc.)
Fruits (bananas, melons, dates, nectarines, dried peaches, apricots, prunes, raisins, etc.)


This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

ACM Cyprus

ACM Cyprus

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Pools Plus Cyprus

Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The article discusses the importance of potassium in our diet and its vital contributions to the body such as the working order of the heart, kidneys, nerves, and muscles. It also emphasizes that everyone should consume foods rich in potassium, regardless of age and gender. The main benefits of potassium are its blood pressure stabilization, and the daily potassium needs of women are on average 2,600 milligrams, and the daily potassium needs of men are around 3,400 milligrams on average. The article lists foods rich in potassium, which include seafood, avocado, legumes, natural juices, fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, milk, and greens.

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