
Step by Step Health (March 12, 2023)

Health is important for all of us in daily life… What do we do right to protect our health, on which subjects should we be more conscious? prof. Dr. Moderated by Murat Aksoy and İpek Dağistanlı, „Health by Step“ will be broadcast on NTV on Sunday at 16.15.

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Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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The „Health by Step“ program will be broadcast on NTV on Sunday at 16.15. The program will focus on the importance of health in daily life and will provide information on how to protect our health. Moderated by Murat Aksoy and İpek Dağistanlı, the program will feature discussions with prof. Dr. about various health-related topics. Be sure to tune in to learn more about taking care of your health.

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