
It was determined that the bullets hitting the Iyi Party building belonged to the construction officer.

[Fotoğraf: DHA (arşiv)]

In the statement made by the governor’s office, it was announced that a criminal investigation was carried out on the incident of a bullet hitting the Iyi Party Istanbul Provincial Presidency building on Thursday, March 30.

The statement included the following statements:

„As a result of the criminal investigation, it has become certain with the ballistics report that the bullet fragments that hit the Provincial Directorate and the business center next to it came from a gun with a license to be owned by M.E., who was the construction site officer of the construction in the direction of the E-5 Highway, which was caught after the incident.“

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/TRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

A criminal investigation has revealed that the bullet which hit the Iyi Party Istanbul Provincial Presidency building was fired from a gun owned by M.E., the construction site officer of the construction in the direction of the E-5 Highway. The bullet fragments also hit a business center next to the Provincial Directorate building. M.E. was caught after the incident and it has been confirmed by a ballistics report that the bullet came from his licensed gun. The governor’s office issued a statement regarding the incident.

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