

Based on this information, write a new short title in German: Die Eignungsprüfungen des KHK haben begonnen, IV. Heute findet auch die schriftliche Prüfung zum Degree Warehouse Officer statt

According to this information, write a new article in German: Die von der Kommission für den öffentlichen Dienst organisierten Eignungsprüfungen…

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„BCE Officer Stabbed While Collecting 27 Million Debt in Namangan“

A 36-year-old man who stabbed a state executive during debt collection was reported to have been prosecuted six times for…

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Disastrous accident on Gaziantep-Kilis highway! 2 people died, including 1 police officer

Driving in Gaziantep-Kilis D58 highway Kapcagiz region, a Ford brand car with license plate 79 AB 989 under the direction…

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