
“It is very important to brush teeth after iftar and sahur”

Stating that oral and dental health should not be neglected during Ramadan, Şimşek emphasized that it would be beneficial to reduce the use of cigarettes, tea, coffee and acidic beverages a few weeks before the start of Ramadan in order to ensure oral hygiene and prevent dry mouth.

Noting that teeth must be brushed after iftar and sahur, Şimşek said, “Our mouth, which is the beginning of our digestive system, is a door opening to our whole body and creates a very suitable environment for microorganisms to multiply due to its openness to the external environment and contact with food. During this month of fasting, teeth are very prone to decay as their eating habits change. Therefore, in order to prevent the formation of caries, not only the teeth, but also the sublingual and gingiva, and even the inner parts of the cheeks should be cleaned thoroughly.

“Tooth and mouth care should be done after every sahur and iftar”

Stating that oral care should be done in a similar way by arranging the hours in Ramadan, Sancar said, „Teeth should be brushed twice, after iftar and sahur, and to start fasting with a hygienic oral flora by making dental floss, tongue cleaning and mouthwash after sahur, for a long time. Reduced saliva flow due to hunger and therefore increased acidity will allow you to protect your oral environment against bacteria. Again, bad breath due to prolonged hunger is a problem experienced by fasting individuals this month. The smell of the odor arises due to the fact that the stomach and mouth environment is dehydrated due to long-term hunger and becomes much more acidic, and it can be reduced by taking some precautions.

„Dental treatment while fasting is possible with the approval of the physician“

Emphasizing that tooth extraction and treatment while fasting is possible with the approval of the physician, Şimşek continued as follows; „Dental treatment is performed during Ramadan. However, we generally see that patients leave these procedures until after iftar. In order to break the fast, a liquid must go into the stomach. Medicines and liquids that can be used during treatment may also cause the fast to be broken. Your doctor will inform you about this. Water or blood is not swallowed for the application you will have. As long as you can get your treatment done.”

Drawing attention to the importance of nutrition for oral and dental health in Ramadan, Dr. Dt. Şimşek said, “Because you are hungry during the day, care should be taken to consume liquid meals at sahur. Try to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Foods such as strawberries, dairy products, yoghurt and cheese are among the foods that will add health to your teeth during Ramadan.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The article discusses the importance of oral and dental care during Ramadan. Dr. Dt. Sancar Şimşek emphasizes the need to reduce the use of cigarettes, tea, coffee, and acidic beverages before the start of Ramadan to ensure oral hygiene and prevent dry mouth. She also stresses the importance of brushing teeth after iftar and sahur, as the mouth is prone to decay during fasting due to changes in eating habits. She advises cleaning not only teeth but also the sublingual and gingiva, and even the inner parts of the cheeks to prevent the formation of caries. She suggests dental flossing, tongue cleaning, and mouthwash after sahur to start fasting with a hygienic oral flora. She also points out that dental treatment while fasting is possible with the approval of a physician. The article also highlights the importance of nutrition in oral and dental health during Ramadan, such as consuming liquid meals at sahur, fruits, and vegetables, strawberries, dairy products, yoghurt, and cheese.

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