
Harvard professor reveals the secret to living up to 250 years.

A Harvard Professor Reveals How to Live to 250

Aging is a disease that needs to be overcome, according to David Sinclair, a professor at Harvard University who specializes in genetics and aging. According to Sinclair, one of the secrets to long life is blood transfusions from young people, but the real key is to disrupt one’s comfort zone.

„The bottom line is, you have to get your body out of its comfort zone (we call it hormesis),“ said Sinclair. „The problem with today’s world is that we just want to relax and be fed. We don’t want to feel uncomfortable, and that causes a lot of problems.“

Sinclair’s methods to combat and reverse aging are not new, but they all involve compromising on comfort. One of the most important things people can do to increase their lifespan is to eat less. Sinclair recommends reducing the frequency of feedings or skipping one or two meals a day.

In addition to reducing food intake, Sinclair also recommends exercise and fasting. Fasting is particularly beneficial because it increases Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) levels, which activates the body’s „repair genes.“ Exposing oneself to heat and cold, such as in a sauna, also has the same effect.

Sinclair also suggests limiting meat consumption and getting enough sleep. The amino acids in meat activate a metabolic pathway that shuts down the body’s defense mechanisms and tells it to grow.

To combat aging effectively, Sinclair stresses the importance of increasing NAD+ levels. Without it, aging happens faster regardless of one’s genetic makeup. According to Sinclair, „80 percent of our health in old age is due to our lifestyle and how we live, only 20 percent is genetic.“

By taking effective action to combat aging, Sinclair believes it’s possible to live up to 250 years old and still be playing tennis at 120. „There’s no reason why we couldn’t do that with our intelligence,“ said Sinclair.

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