
Who was the Survivor candidate? Who got Survivor immunity this evening? Elimination candidates on April 3, 2023 Survivor!

Who got immunity in Survivor? question seeks an answer. In Survivor, the elimination council took place this evening. There was tension in the council between Barış, Halil and Buse. But which team won the third immunity? Who was the elimination candidate?

April 3, 2023 Who was the qualifying candidate?

Murat Eken, the elimination candidate from the Ünlüler team, was also Aziz from the volunteers. This evening, the third elimination candidate on the island has been announced. The third candidate to go was Barış.

Barış said, „No problem. As I say every week, this team was backed by Yusuf and Nefise. Me and other friends tried to help. As a name that has been written since the first week, I am no longer sad. They can write. They can write as much as they want. I have not given up on my personality and my struggle. I want to continue the way I came. Going to the rim every week is a bad thing. Everyone knows that if I go, there is nothing to do, if I stay, I will fight in the best way possible.“ He said.

What happened yesterday…

It was noteworthy that Alper’s name was also written in the council where Aziz’s name was revealed.

Aziz Ozan, „I said the second act in Survivor. We said new team, we said new stories. But Survivor’s story of writing Aziz continues from the very beginning. I’m ticking the pots I’ve been in since I came here. Some wrote because they were uncomfortable with me, and some because I couldn’t get a number. I find it more valuable to never give up in games, and to never break my stance even if I can’t score. Until now, those who wrote me from their own team were happy, the difference is that there is a cricket bird in the opposite team. He was also happy that my name was written. I’ve been on my own since I got here. There was a song I sang at the reunion: The ones I remember? The ones written on my forehead? Let someone tell you who is a game changer right! I hope those who break games on earth can prove that they are right one day,“ he said.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/Mynet

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The article discusses the latest episode of Survivor and the elimination council that took place. The focus is on the third immunity challenge and the identity of the elimination candidate. Murat Eken from the Ünlüler team and Aziz from the volunteers were the two candidates revealed in the council. Ultimately, Barış was eliminated. He remained positive and vowed to continue fighting. The article also mentions that Alper’s name was written in the council alongside Aziz’s. Aziz expressed his disappointment but remained determined to never give up in games.

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