
Do not eat garlic like this – Health News

According to the statements made by experts, a clove of raw garlic must be eaten every day to achieve the therapeutic dose of 900 mg. At the same time, the garlic clove must be chopped or crushed for allicin to be secreted. If garlic is exposed to heat, the formation of allicin stops. In order to benefit from maximum allicin formation, it is necessary to wait ten minutes after chopping the garlic. According to a 2018 study, boiled garlic contains 16 percent less allicin than raw garlic, and 30 percent less allicin in roasted garlic.


It is an effective substance that helps to protect the body against infections thanks to its antimicrobial feature, to protect cardiovascular health due to its blood pressure and lowering bad cholesterol effect, to protect against cancer formation, to protect the brain from oxidative stress. people avoid using it.

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Source Link: NTV/BRT/CNN

ACM Cyprus

ACM Cyprus

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Pools Plus Cyprus

Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The article discusses the benefits of consuming raw, chopped or crushed garlic to obtain the therapeutic dose of 900 mg of allicin, an effective substance that helps protect the body against infections, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and oxidative stress in the brain. The article also warns that exposure to heat can reduce the production of allicin by 16% in boiled garlic and 30% in roasted garlic. Thus, to benefit from maximum allicin formation, it is necessary to eat raw, chopped or crushed garlic and wait for ten minutes before consuming it.

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