
Who is Gulcemal Gara main? How old is Nilüfer Açıkalın?

The character of Gara in the Gülcemal series broadcast on FOX TV is being questioned. Nilüfer Açıkalın joined the cast of Gülcemal TV series. Nilüfer Açıkalın, who plays Gara in the Gülcemal TV series, has appeared in many TV series. But who is Gara?

Who is Nilüfer Açıkalın?

Nilüfer Açıkalın’s real surname is Nilüfer Küçükçavdar (b. 1967, Istanbul), Cinema and theater actress, story writer and musician. Born in a Macedonian immigrant family in 1967, Açıkalın graduated from Mimar Sinan University State Conservatory Theater Department by studying acting. He also worked in the State Theaters for a while by taking acting education. Since 1987, he has taken part in many important productions in theatre, cinema and television professionally. Ali Poyrazoğlu, Ferzan Özpetek, Zeki Ökten, Orhan Oğuz et al. Worked with directors. It is Aries. Nilüfer Açıkalın, who continues to share with the name niluferacikalin on Instagram, has 26.2K followers on this channel.

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Source Link: NTV/Mynet

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Nilüfer Açıkalın is a cinema and theater actress, story writer and musician. She was born in Istanbul in 1967 and graduated from Mimar Sinan University State Conservatory Theater Department. She has worked in the State Theaters and has participated in many theater, cinema and television productions since 1987. She has worked with renowned directors such as Ali Poyrazoğlu, Ferzan Özpetek, Zeki Ökten, and Orhan Oğuz. Nilüfer Açıkalın plays the character of Gara in the Gülcemal TV series on FOX TV.

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