What does my life mean? What is my life, what does it mean? Who is my brother called? One Hundred Years of Miracle Brother my life meaning!
The meaning of the word „my brother is my life“ was on the agenda in the new series Hundred Years of Miracle. The word brother, my life, is often used as a military term. But what does my brother life mean?
What does my life mean?
In Sufism, ab-i Hayat consists of the truth of Allah’s name „al-Hay“. A person who makes this name his qualification will have drank âb-ı life. Now, just as he is alive with the „life“ title of God, other living things also gain life thanks to him. The life of a person at this level is the life of God.
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The article discusses the meaning of the phrase „my brother is my life“ in the context of the new series Hundred Years of Miracle. It notes that the phrase is often used as a military term, but questions what it truly means. The article then goes on to explore the meaning of life in Sufism, where ab-i Hayat refers to the truth of Allah’s name „al-Hay“. A person who embodies this name will have drank âb-ı life, becoming alive with the „life“ title of God and allowing other living things to gain life thanks to them. So, according to Sufism, a person’s life can have a deeper meaning and significance beyond their physical existence.