
About Hüsnü Şenlenmeyer’s health: „Our brother is recovering quickly“ – Last Minute Magazine News

It was claimed that Hüsnü Şenlenen was diagnosed with bowel cancer and then underwent an operation.

A statement on the subject came from Şençiler, who is 46 years old. The famous name gave information about his health status from his social media account.


Hüsnü Şençiler said in his statement, „My dear friends, colleagues and loved ones, I had an operation with the advice of my doctors after my routine checkups last week.“

The famous name continued his words, „My health is fine, I will be in the hospital for a few more days for control purposes. Thank you very much for your wishes to get well soon. After a short break, I will meet with my fans both on the screens and at my concerts.“


Singer Ercan Saatçi and Hakan Altun visited Hüsnü Şençiler in the hospital after the operation.

Ercan Saatçi, who published those moments on his social media account, said, „Our brother is doing well, he is recovering quickly, thank God. Get well soon.“


Hüsnü Şenlenmeyer is the son of a Romani family with a musical tradition. He started playing the clarinet at the age of 5, like his grandfathers Hüsnü Şençiler (clarinet, trumpet) and Fahrettin Köfeci (clarinet) and his father Ergün Şençiler (trumpet).

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/CNN

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Hüsnü Şençiler, a famous Turkish clarinet player, has announced that he underwent an operation following a bowel cancer diagnosis. In a statement, he assured fans that his health was fine and that he would be in the hospital for a few more days for control purposes. Singer Ercan Saatçi and Hakan Altun visited Şençiler in the hospital, and Saatçi shared the news that he was recovering quickly. Şençiler comes from a Romani family with a musical tradition and started playing the clarinet at the age of 5.

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