
Video review of a boy wearing a wedding dress – Last Minute Türkiye News

After the video of a boy wearing a wedding dress was published on a social networking site, the police took action.

It was determined that the child had intellectual disability MT (13). In the examination, it was stated that MT danced and had fun with the wedding dress she found in the garbage in the Mustafa Bird Park in Eyyübiye Mahallesi, and the images were taken at this time.

In a statement made by the Provincial Police Department on the subject, „As a result of the work carried out by our Child Branch to identify the victim in the video, it was understood that the victim was MT, he had a mental disability, had difficulty in expressing himself. It was determined that she took off the wedding dress and went home with her own clothes under the wedding dress, and that the news of the child bride was unfounded. The victim was handed over to his family after the proceedings.“ statements were included.

Video review of a boy wearing a wedding dress - 2

On the other hand, it was stated that action was taken against those who shared the images of the child with the crime of „unlawful seizure of personal data“.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: CNN/NTV

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The police have taken action after a video of a child wearing a wedding dress was shared on a social media site. The child, identified as MT, has a mental disability and was found dancing and having fun with the dress that was found in a garbage bin in Mustafa Bird Park in Eyyübiye Mahallesi. It was confirmed that the news of the child being a bride was unfounded and the child was handed over to their family after the proceedings. It was also reported that action was taken against those who shared images of the child with the crime of „unlawful seizure of personal data.“

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