
The stadium with a capacity of 10 thousand people in the Ancient City of Sillyon is being unearthed.


Emphasizing that the stadium, baths and some public buildings were built as the city became richer and more prosperous during the Roman period, Taşkıran said, „We started the excavations in the stadium in 2022. The stadium was built along the western slope of the city. In time, the land here was flattened, turned into a terrace and the stadium structure was placed here. „The building has double stands and a turning area.“ he said.

Taşkıran stated that the historical building, which has a capacity of 10 thousand people, stands out among the regional stadiums with its capacity, shape and size.

Explaining that sports competitions, competitions and festivals were held in the stadium in ancient times, Taşkıran said:

„Based on the materials unearthed from the area, we can say that the construction of the stadium started in the 1st century after Christ and that it was used until the 5th century after Christ. This became clear in the excavations we carried out in the last stage. There was an attack on Sillyon and the stadium was destroyed during this attack.“ „On the other hand, it is also possible to say that a closed canopy was created on the eastern wing of the building with a wooden construction.“

Taşkıran explained that they not only carried out excavations in the area, but also carried out restoration and conservation work.


Noting that the ancient city is located at a point overlooking the sea and the Taurus Mountains, Taşkıran said:

„Even today, Sillyon is the only point that dominates the region from sea or land. When you climb to the top of Sillyon, you control all sea traffic from Side to Kemer. The stadium was built with a view of this very view. In other words, someone who wants to watch sports competitions does not just watch the competitions.“ You can have a great time with a good view of the surroundings. When viewed from the stadium point, we can see the Perge Ancient City, Kadriye-Belek tourism areas and the airport. This was also the case in ancient times. This place is probably designed like a fairground-festival area. „The main reason for building a stadium with a capacity of 10 thousand people in a hilly area is to both watch the events and enjoy the view.“

Taşkıran added that they want to accelerate the work on the stadium and complete it this year within the scope of the „Legacy to the Future“ project.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/CNN

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

This article discusses the excavation and findings of a stadium in the Ancient City of Sillyon. The stadium has a capacity of 10 thousand people and is believed to have been built in the 1st century AD and used until the 5th century AD. The stadium has double stands and a turning area, and it was likely used for sports competitions, competitions, and festivals in ancient times.

The director of the excavation project, Taşkıran, mentioned that the stadium was strategically located to overlook the sea and the Taurus Mountains. From the stadium, one can see the Perge Ancient City, Kadriye-Belek tourism areas, and the airport. This view would have provided a great experience for spectators attending events at the stadium.

Taşkıran also stated that they are not only conducting excavations at the site but also working on restoration and conservation. The project aims to accelerate the work on the stadium and complete it within the year as part of the „Legacy to the Future“ project.

Overall, the discovery of this well-preserved stadium in Sillyon provides valuable insights into the city’s history and the importance of public entertainment and gatherings in ancient times.

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