
The resignation of the government was submitted in Finland – Breaking News

According to a written statement from the Finnish government, Niinistö accepted Marin’s resignation and requested that the old government continue temporarily until the new government is formed.

According to the statement, the interim government will deal only with routine business and deal with urgent matters.

In Finland, the conservative National Coalition Party took the lead with 20.8 percent, while the True Finns Party received 20.1 percent and the Social Democratic Party led by Marin received 19.9 percent.

The party, which completed the elections as the leader in Finland, has priority to form the government. In order to govern the country, a coalition with more than 100 deputies in the 200-seat parliament must be formed.

The parties that completed the 2019 elections in the top three places were the Social Democratic Party, the Real Finns Party and the National Coalition Party, respectively.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/TRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin has resigned from her post, following the resignation of the Centre Party leader Katri Kulmuni. Marin’s Social Democratic Party had come third in 2019 elections; however, they were able to form a government with several other parties. The interim government will continue to deal with routine business until a new government is formed. The party that takes the lead in the elections has the priority to form the government, which requires a coalition with over 100 deputies in the parliament.

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