
The General Assembly of the Assembly of the Republic convened

The General Assembly of the Assembly of the Republic convened at 14.00 under the chairmanship of the Speaker of the Assembly, Zorlu Töre.

The Assembly could not convene at the announced time due to the strike launched by the Cyprus Turkish Public Officials Union (KTAMS) this morning to support the action initiated by El-Sen.

After the decision of the Council of Ministers to ban KTAMS’s strike was published in the Official Gazette, the General Assembly convened with the agenda of the “Public Procurement (Amendment) Draft Law”.

Due to the said bill, an action was held in front of the Parliament today.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: BRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The General Assembly of the Assembly of the Republic could not convene at the scheduled time due to a strike launched by the Cyprus Turkish Public Officials Union (KTAMS) in support of the action initiated by El-Sen. However, the Assembly later convened after the Council of Ministers decided to ban the strike. The agenda for the Assembly was the „Public Procurement (Amendment) Draft Law“, which sparked an action in front of the Parliament.

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