
69 traffic accidents, 14 injuries in 1 week in TRNC… Legal action against 1350 drivers

Last week, 69 traffic accidents occurred in the TRNC, 14 people were injured.

In the statement made by the Police Press Officer, the causes of traffic accidents are; speeding, careless driving, not stopping at the intersection, close follow-up and other factors.

As a result of the accidents, a total of 2 million 939 thousand 500 TL damage was incurred.

-1350 report to driver

As a result of the one-week traffic controls carried out by the police throughout the country, a total of 12 thousand 564 vehicle drivers were checked and 1350 vehicle drivers who were found to have committed crimes were reported and legal action was initiated against them. The distribution of crimes is as follows:

“Speeding (324), driving without a license to navigate (224), driving without a seat belt (159), using a mobile phone while driving (145), not obeying traffic signs and signs (129), driving without inspection (57), uninsured or covered driving outside (40), reckless driving (30), driving under the influence of alcohol (25), “a” driving without a road permit (11), driving without a driving license (9), “b” driving a vehicle without a private business license driving (7), driving dangerously (5), not obeying traffic lights (3), riding a motorcycle without a protective helmet (3), carrying more than its tonnage or dangerous cargo (1) and 178 other traffic offenses.”


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Source Link: BRT

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According to the statement released by the Police Press Officer in the TRNC, 69 traffic accidents occurred last week resulting in 14 injuries. Common causes of these accidents included speeding, careless driving, failure to stop at intersections, tailgating, and other factors. The total damage incurred from these accidents was reported to be 2 million 939 thousand 500 TL. Additionally, the police conducted traffic controls and checked a total of 12,564 vehicle drivers. Of these, 1,350 were found to have committed crimes and legal action was taken against them. The most common offenses included speeding (324 cases), driving without a license (224 cases), and not wearing a seatbelt (159 cases). Other violations included using a mobile phone while driving, disregarding traffic signs, driving without an inspection, and driving without insurance or a proper permit. In total, there were 178 other traffic offenses reported.

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