Branch distribution of 45 thousand teacher assignments


Exam centers announced! MEB e-government contracted teaching oral exam (interview) place inquiry 2023!

05.04.2023 01:17 Last Update: 05.04.2023 01:18 The statement that the candidates who want to take a job as a teacher…

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e-government contracted teaching interview places inquiry 2023! MoNE contracted teacher oral exam places!

04.04.2023 12:59 Last Update: 04.04.2023 13:01 The statement that candidates who want to take a job as a teacher in…

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MEB 45 thousand teacher appointment interview places announced? Contracted teacher recruitment oral exam places!

04.04.2023 10:29 Last Update: 04.04.2023 10:31 The statement that candidates who want to take a job as a teacher in…

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