O’fest Çanakkale will host 16 artists in 4 days
O’fest Canakkale 27-28-29-30 Nisan It will be held with the participation of 16 artists.
O’fest Çanakkale, which will host 16 artists including Athena, Cem Adrian, Pinhani, Manga, Fatma Turgut, Gazapizm and Umut Kuzey, will provide music lovers with an unforgettable festival experience for four days.
The program of O’fest Çanakkale and the artists who will take the stage are as follows:
Thursday, April 27:
Old Uncle
Friday, April 28:
Fatma Turgut
Saturday, April 29:
Hope North
Pick Up
Sunday, April 30:
Cem Adrian
Sena Sener
He takes

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O’fest Çanakkale is a music festival that will take place from April 27 to 30, featuring 16 artists such as Athena, Cem Adrian, Pinhani, Manga, Fatma Turgut, Gazapizm, and Umut Kuzey. The festival promises a memorable experience for music lovers throughout the four days. The performance schedule includes Pinhani, Redd, Old Uncle, and Doll on Thursday, Manga, Fatma Turgut, Ozbi, and Jargon on Friday, Athena, Gasapizm, Hope North, and Pick Up on Saturday, and Cem Adrian, Madrigal, Sena Sener, and He Takes on Sunday.