
Minister Nabati: Our banking sector is extremely healthy

In a statement on his Twitter account, Minister Nebati said, „February banking data announced by the BRSA this week confirms that our banking sector has a very healthy outlook with its strong capital structure, high asset quality and profitability ratios. The capital adequacy ratio of the sector is percent as of February 2023. 17.1, which is well above the legal minimum limit of 8 percent and the target rate of 12 percent. The high capital adequacy it has shows that our banking sector maintains a significant amount of capital buffer as a precaution against possible risks. The fact that it was realized at a very low level of 1.9 percent as of February 2023. This underlines the healthy asset quality of the sector.“


Minister Nabati continued as follows:

„It should not be forgotten that our banking sector has achieved all this healthy appearance under the difficult conditions that the financial system has fallen into as a result of the tight monetary policies implemented in the global markets. In addition, the integrated structure of our banking sector with global financial markets, qualified human resources and technological „Despite the current challenging global conditions that the whole world is going through, our country continues to move forward with firm and determined steps towards the targets of the Turkish Century.“ (DHA)

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The Minister of Treasury and Finance, Nebati, has announced that the Turkish banking sector has a very healthy outlook with its strong capital structure, high asset quality and profitability ratios. The sector’s capital adequacy ratio as of February 2023 was 17.1%, which is well above the legal minimum limit of 8% and the target rate of 12%. This indicates that the sector maintains a significant amount of capital buffer as a precaution against possible risks. Additionally, the sector’s non-performing loans ratio was realized at a very low level of 1.9%, which highlights the sector’s healthy asset quality. Despite the challenging global conditions, Nebati believes that Turkey is taking steady steps towards the targets of the Turkish Century, thanks to the integrated structure of the Turkish banking sector with global financial markets, qualified human resources, and technological advancements.

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