
‚Mehmet Şimşek‘ surprise from President Erdoğan

President Erdoğan made critical statements on the course of the Turkish Economy Model and what the roadmap would be.

Pronouncing the name of Mehmet Şimşek, Erdoğan said, „We are already making serious preparations to further strengthen our economic policies in the coming period. A team is making preparations in this direction under the coordination of our brother Mehmet Şimşek, who has been in our economy management for many years. In addition, our Ministry of Treasury and Finance, our Central Bank and other units are making preparations. There are also studies. I hope we will bring all of these together after the election and continue on our way by further strengthening our economic policy.“ said.

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Source Link: CNN/Hürriyet

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

President Erdoğan announced that a team led by Mehmet Şimşek, who has been in the economy management for many years, is preparing to further strengthen Turkey’s economic policies in the coming period. The Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Central Bank, and other units are also working on preparations. It is hoped that all of these efforts will come together after the election to continue on the path of strengthening the country’s economic policy.

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