
Lighting work in Van Castle has been completed

According to the information made by the Governorship, work has been initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Van Governorship and Metropolitan Municipality to illuminate the historical Van Castle. The castle, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List and one of the most important historical structures of the city, has been given a new appearance with the completion of the project.

Governor and Deputy Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ozan Balcı, who inspected the castle, said that they illuminated the surroundings of the magnificent Van Castle, which dates back to the Urartians, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Van Governorship and Van Metropolitan Municipality.

Stating that this work will contribute to the tourism of the city, Balcı said, „We have the Old City of Van on the side. We will revive it, too. We will put the Van Coastal Road and Coastal Park into service in a short time. These 3 projects will contribute to the culture, tourism and economy of our Van.“ „I think it will make a very important contribution. The historical Van Castle was illuminated in accordance with its magnificence, originality and magnificence. I would like to thank all my friends who contributed.“ he said.

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Source Link: NTV/CNN

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The historical Van Castle has been illuminated through a project initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Van Governorship, and Metropolitan Municipality. The castle, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List, has been given a new appearance with the completion of the project. Governor and Deputy Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ozan Balcı stated that the illumination of the castle, which dates back to the Urartians, was a collaborative effort and will contribute to the tourism of the city. He also mentioned other projects aimed at revitalizing the Old City of Van and the Van Coastal Road and Coastal Park, all of which are expected to contribute to the culture, tourism, and economy of Van.

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