Koza Polyester goes public | Stock Market News
Koza Polyester, a polyester fiber producer from continuous polymerization, goes public. Demand will be collected between April 5-7 for the public offering, which will take place under the leadership of Garanti BBVA Securities‘ consortium.
Of the total 44 million 390 thousand TL public offering, 23 million 160 thousand TL nominal value will be realized by capital increase and 21 million 230 thousand TL by joint sales. As a result of the public offering, Koza Polyester’s free float will be 20.54 percent. The company’s paid-in capital will reach 216 million 160 thousand TL after the public offering, which will be held by the consortium formed under the leadership of Garanti BBVA Investment, with a fixed price book-building method. While 75 percent of the income from the public offering will be used to reduce financial debt by closing some of the existing loans, 25 percent will be allocated for financing the net working capital requirement.
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Koza Polyester, a polyester fiber producer, is planning to go public with a total offering of 44 million 390 thousand Turkish Lira. The public offering will take place under the leadership of Garanti BBVA Securities‘ consortium, with demand being collected between April 5-7. The public offering will consist of 23 million 160 thousand TL from a capital increase and 21 million 230 thousand TL from joint sales, resulting in Koza Polyester’s free float being 20.54 percent. The company’s paid-in capital will reach 216 million 160 thousand TL after the public offering, which will use 75 percent of the income to reduce financial debt and 25 percent to finance the net working capital requirement.