
KIB-TEK General Manager Aydın: The outages in many regions are not due to malfunctions.

Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority KIB-TEK General Manager Dalman Aydın stated that the power cuts in many regions across the country are not due to malfunctions.

In his statement to BRT, Aydın said that there was an intervention in the interconnected system during today’s action and that the system shut down in order to protect itself as a result of the sudden frequency change caused by this intervention.

Stating that power outages occurred as a result of this, Aydın noted that with the balancing of the system, electrical energy was started to be supplied to the regions again and that there would be no region that had a power outage in half an hour.

Aydın underlined that the interruption was not caused by a malfunction, adding that it has not yet been determined who or what made the intervention that caused the interruption.


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Source Link: BRT

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The General Manager of Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority KIB-TEK, Dalman Aydın, has confirmed that recent power cuts in many regions across the country were not due to malfunctions. In a statement to BRT, Aydın explained that an intervention in the interconnected system during a recent action caused a sudden frequency change, leading to the system shutting down to protect itself. Aydın stated that with the balancing of the system, electrical energy was restored to the affected regions within half an hour. Aydın added that the nature of the intervention has not yet been determined.

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