
“Early detection of cancer in an apparently healthy person is vital”

Saying that cancer is the leading health problem in terms of mortality (death from disease) and morbidity (disease) rates in almost every country in the world, General Surgery and Surgical Oncology Specialist Op. Dr. Murat Can Mollaoğlu made statements about some types of cancer and treatment methods due to the 1-7 April National Cancer Week.


Stating that the main purpose of cancer screening is not to diagnose, Op. Dr. Mollaoğlu said, “Cancer screening is the examination and examination of asymptomatic (not showing symptoms related to the disease) people in order to control the diseases. The treatment of cancer patients is focused on, but it would be more rational to improve the awareness of patients who can be diagnosed at the curable stage. In fact, the issue of how to diagnose rather than how to treat should form the basis of cancer patient management. Cancer screening is very important in people who appear healthy and do not show clinical symptoms yet, to be confirmed by further methods and to detect a positive finding, if any, at an early stage. For this reason, cancer screening is vital for early diagnosis and treatment.


Mentioning that breast cancer is still one of the most common types of cancer among women, Op. Dr. Mollaoğlu said, “The most important way to reduce mortality in breast cancer is through early diagnosis and treatment. Providing early diagnosis is possible by educating and informing women about this issue and applying screening programs.

Kiss. Dr. Mollaoğlu underlined that it is vital for every woman over the age of 20 to carry out regular breast examinations by herself and with a doctor, to have the first mammogram at the age of 40, and to apply regular control mammograms between the ages of 50-69.


Pointing out that screening programs for early detection of cancer are critical for better prognosis and long-term survival, Op. Dr. Mollaoğlu shared the following information:

“Early diagnosis and treatment of cancer is often life-saving. The purpose of screening is not to make a diagnosis, but to detect a positive finding, if any, at an early stage, in apparently healthy individuals, to be confirmed by further methods when clinical signs are not yet seen. Breast and colon (large intestine) cancer is one of the leading screening programs that we can detect at an early stage and prolong life by doing the right treatment at the right time. Approximately 2-4% of deaths in Western societies are due to colorectal cancers. Individuals between the ages of 50-69 should have a stool occult blood (FOC) test annually and a colonoscopy every 10 years.”


Emphasizing that people should be more informed about early screening for the diagnosis of cancer and encouraged to do early screening, Op. Dr. Mollaoğlu said, “Sometimes, it is possible to encounter patients with advanced stage peritoneum (peritoneal membrane) involvement that is not diagnosed early. The control of these patients is difficult but not impossible. Recent studies suggest CRS (Cytoreductive Surgery) and HIPEC (HIPEC-Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy) procedures for these patients, in which all the tissues in the abdomen are cleaned and warm chemotherapy is administered into the abdomen. In addition, CRS-HIPEC has been widely accepted as an effective method in patients with peritoneal involvement from various cancers. With CRS and HIPEC, positive results are obtained in the treatments of colorectal cancers, appendix cancer, adrenal cancer, ovarian cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, mesothelioma (primary peritoneal cancer), stomach cancer. These treatment methods are technically challenging operations that require appropriate patient selection, performed by an experienced surgical team, and require serious skill. He concluded his words by saying, „It can be done safely with physicians who are trained and skilled to perform the surgical technique, within the framework of oncological principles.“

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Source Link: BRTK/CNN

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Op. Dr. Murat Can Mollaoğlu, a General Surgery and Surgical Oncology Specialist, emphasized the importance of cancer screening for early diagnosis and treatment during the National Cancer Week. He stated that cancer screening is crucial for detecting positive findings, especially in apparently healthy people who do not show clinical symptoms, and urged individuals to undergo regular tests. Dr. Mollaoğlu also stressed the significance of informing and educating women about breast cancer and highlighted the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of breast and colon cancers, which are among the most common types of cancer. Additionally, he mentioned that CRS and HIPEC procedures, which involve cleaning all tissues in the abdomen and administering warm chemotherapy, are effective in the treatments of various cancers, including mesothelioma, liver cancer, and stomach cancer. He also underlined the importance of performing these procedures by an experienced surgical team within the framework of oncological principles.

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