
Japan may buy Bayraktar TB2 SİHA

Demand from abroad for armed drones produced in Turkey continues to increase. It was stated that Japan will also use the „Bayraktar TB2 SİHA“ for trial purposes and will put it to the tests.

Suzuki Kazuhiro, the Japanese Ambassador to Ankara, visited Baykar on April 1 and met with the Chairman of the Board of Directors Selçuk Bayraktar.

After this development, news began to appear in the Japanese press. Accordingly, it was written that the Ministry of Defense of Japan will use the „Bayraktar TB2 SİHA“ for trial purposes and will be subjected to tests.

If the tests are successful, the sales agreement is expected to be signed.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/TRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

Japan may purchase the Bayraktar TB2 SİHA, a Turkish-made armed drone, for trial purposes, according to reports. The Japanese Ambassador to Ankara, Suzuki Kazuhiro, visited Baykar, the company that produces the drone, on April 1 and met with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Selçuk Bayraktar. If the trial is successful, it is expected that Japan will sign a sales agreement with Baykar. Demand for armed drones made in Turkey continues to rise globally.

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