
In the building where 30 people are buried in İzmir, the municipal officials also demand prison – Last Minute Turkey News

An indictment was prepared against two municipal officials regarding the demolition of the Emrah Apartment, in which 30 people lost their lives in the Izmir earthquake, with the accusation that they were responsible for the death because they gave their approval despite the flaws in the project.

The indictment, which was prepared by the Izmir Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and accepted by the 4th High Criminal Court, where the main case regarding the incident was heard, included the report of the expert committee consisting of faculty members from Dokuz Eylul University and Istanbul Technical University.


In the expert report, which included the opinion that Emrah Apartment was demolished due to deficiencies in the design, inadequacies in material properties, application and workmanship errors, and inadequacy in the construction supervision, the static, earthquake load, stirrup and displacement calculations of the building were not made in accordance with the provisions of the relevant regulation, the static project author and the static reinforced concrete It was stated that those who approved the project were responsible.

As a result of the investigations, it was stated in the indictment that at the time the building permit for the Emrah Apartment was issued, the Director of Zoning Affairs MAU and the Civil Engineer Ş.S.H, who was in charge of the reinforced concrete inspection desk, had responsibilities.

It was stated that MAU, one of the defendants, claimed that it was not possible to make a determination at the time of issuing the occupancy permit, since the entire building was completed and the plastering, whitewashing and painting processes were finished.


It was reported that Ş.S.H argued that „he examined the project that came to him on the date of the incident in accordance with the earthquake regulation legislation in force in 1975 and according to the technical conditions and possibilities at that time, he approved the project in this way, and there was no opportunity to inspect and examine the materials used in the implementation phase of the project“. .

During the evaluation process of the court’s indictment, in the expert report it requested again, „There are issues in the reinforced concrete accounts attached to the license that do not comply with the regulation, and considering the magnitude of the earthquake that occurred, it has been determined that the destruction occurred due to manufacturing and inspection errors.“ statements were included.

The public prosecutor demanded that the defendants be punished for causing the death and injury of more than one person by deliberate negligence, stating that „they were responsible for the death due to the fact that he had given his consent despite the flaws in the project“ and that „there has been sufficient suspicion to open a public case against them due to the crimes against them“.

The defendants‘ file was combined with the main case in which TA and the contractor H.U, who were technically responsible for the demolition, were tried. The suspects will appear in court on May 4.


30 people lost their lives and 8 people were injured in the Emrah Apartment Building, which was destroyed in the 6.6-magnitude earthquake that occurred in Izmir on October 30, 2020. A lawsuit was filed against 3 defendants for „causing the death and injury of more than one person through conscious negligence“. One defendant died during the trial.

The file on public officials, on the other hand, was sent to the Civil Servant Crimes Investigation Bureau for the assessment of the necessity within the scope of Law No. 4483.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: CNN/NTV

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Two municipal officials have been indicted over their alleged responsibility for the deaths of 30 people in the Emrah Apartment building in Izmir during the 2020 earthquake, due to their approval of a project with known flaws. An expert report from faculties of Dokuz Eylul University and Istanbul Technical University determined that the building was not designed according to regulations, and that those who approved the project were responsible for its inadequacies in material properties, application and workmanship errors, and construction supervision. The public prosecutor demanded that the defendants be punished for causing the deaths and injuries of more than one person by deliberate negligence, and that a public case be opened against them. The defendants‘ appearance in court is scheduled for 4 May.

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