
Critical exit from Macron against the dollar! China’s return calls out to the world

By targeting the US dollar, French President Emmanuel Macron argued that Europe should reduce its dependence on the „cross-border immunity“ dollar.

Defending that Europe should resist the pressure to become a “follower of the USA”, Macron expressed the view that one of the biggest risks facing Europe is to be caught in crises that are not caused by itself.


Answering the questions of Politico and French journalists on the plane after his visit to China, Macron gave important messages in relations with the USA.

Referring to the Taiwan problem, Macron argued that Europe should avoid becoming a party to the tension between China and the USA on this issue.

Pointing to the importance of the strategic independence of Europe, Macron emphasized that Europe under the leadership of France should be a third superpower.

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“The biggest risk we face is getting caught up in crises that are not ours and that prevent Europe from building its strategic autonomy,” Macron said. used the phrase.

Politico commented that Macron’s views almost confirm the thesis that China has expressed in EU-US relations for a long time.

Pointing to the negativities of the EU’s seeming to be a follower of the USA in foreign policy, Macron gave an example on Taiwan and said, “The question that Europeans should answer is… Is it in our interest to accelerate (a crisis) in Taiwan? No. Worse still, we Europeans will follow this issue and determine the steps we will take according to China’s overreaction to the USA.” said.

Macron also complained that Europe’s dependence on the USA in the field of weapons and energy has increased, and expressed the opinion that the old continent should strengthen its defense industry.

Expressing his concern about the dependence on the US dollar as an international reserve, which Beijing and Moscow constantly raise, and asking Europe to reduce its dependence on the dollar, Macron said, “If the tension between the two superpowers escalates… we have time and resources to finance our strategic autonomy. and we will become addicted.” said.

Source: Euronews Turkish

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: CNN/Hürriyet

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French President Emmanuel Macron has argued that Europe should reduce its dependence on the US dollar, stating that one of the biggest risks facing Europe is to be caught up in crises that it has not caused. Macron also pointed to the importance of strategic independence for Europe, stressing that Europe under France’s leadership should be a third superpower. He also expressed concern about Europe’s increasing dependence on the US in the fields of weapons and energy and stated that the old continent should strengthen its defense industry. Macron’s comments come after his recent visit to China, where he argued that Europe should avoid becoming a party to the tension between China and the US over the Taiwan issue.

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