
„Borsa Istanbul Ends with a Drop in Sellers, According to General News“

Borsa Istanbul Closes with Sellers

Borsa Istanbul (BIST) started the last trading day of the week with a slight increase but ended the day with a decrease. The market opened at 5143 points with a 0.15 percent increase, however, the selling pressure increased throughout the day resulting in BIST closing the week at 5092 points with a decrease of 0.83 percent.

In terms of currency exchange rates, the dollar is currently trading at 19.3775 Turkish Lira, while the Euro is trading at 21.4473 Turkish Lira. Gram gold is trading at 1270 Turkish Lira.

According to the closing figures, the Borsa Istanbul experienced a disappointing week, finishing with a decrease after the market saw some positive movements. Investors are eagerly awaiting the coming weeks to see if the market will experience any improvements.

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This news was taken from this source and rewritten by artificial intelligence.

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