
All-time visitor record was broken in Cappadocia

UNESCO World Cultural Heritage The Cappadocia region, which is on the list, continues to host millions of visitors from home and abroad with its fairy chimneys, natural rock formations and interesting valleys, as well as underground and aboveground cities.

Nevşehir Governor Ali Fidan said that an all-time record was broken in the Cappadocia region, based on the first 10 months of the year. Nevşehir Governor Ali Fidan said that Nevşehir hosts millions of local and foreign guests every year with its tourism activity that spreads throughout the 12 months of the year and added: “The Cappadocia region makes very important contributions to the promotion and economy of our country. There are more than 700 hotels and a bed capacity of over 30 thousand throughout Nevşehir, and many commercial enterprises operate in different sectors for tourism. „In this respect, tourism directly affects the economy, welfare and employment of our city,“ he said.

„Considering the number of visitors to museums and historical sites in our city, we see that the highest number of visitors ever seen has been reached in the first 10 months of 2023,“ said Fidan, adding, „With the number of 4 million 256 thousand 129 local and foreign visitors reached in the first 10 months of this year, an all-time record has been broken.“ „We have exceeded the number of visitors, which was 4 million 192 thousand 70 in the whole of 2022, in the first 10 months of 2023. According to this data, we predict that the number of visitors will reach 5 million by the end of the year,“ he said.

Fidan stated that in terms of the number of foreign visitors, the most tourists coming to Cappadocia are from Spain, the USA, Indonesia, South Korea and Italy.

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The Cappadocia region, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, has broken an all-time visitor record in the first 10 months of the year. Nevşehir Governor Ali Fidan highlighted the region’s importance in promoting the country’s economy and stated that the number of visitors reached 4 million 256 thousand 129 in the first 10 months of 2023, surpassing the total number of visitors in 2022. He also predicted that the number of visitors would reach 5 million by the end of the year. Fidan further mentioned that the most foreign visitors to Cappadocia come from Spain, the USA, Indonesia, South Korea, and Italy. This region continues to attract millions of visitors with its natural rock formations, underground cities, and fairy chimneys.

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