
Ahmet Beşerler, who was appointed as the Deputy Chief of Police I.

Ahmet Beşerler, who was appointed as the Deputy General Director of the Police, was promoted to his ranks.

According to the information given by the Police Press Officer, Police General Director Kasım Kuni, District Police and PGM-Division Managers attended the ceremony. Following the reading of the CV of Deputy General Director of Police Ahmet Beşerler, Beşerler was promoted by Police General Director Kasım Kuni.

Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy Chief of PGM Ahmet Beşerler stated that he was happy and proud to be appointed as the Deputy General Director of Police, after completing his duty as Police Officer in Nicosia Police Department in Nicosia Police Department, after completing his duty as Police Director in Nicosia Police Department. Stating that it is his main duty to move the Police Organization forward by working in unity and solidarity with all police members, as always, Beşerler thanked the Security Forces Commander Major General Zorlu Topaloğlu and the state elders who appointed him for this position.

Police General Director Kasım Kuni also stated that Ahmet Beşerler, who was appointed to the position of Deputy General Director of Police with the approval of the state elders, will do this sacred duty duly and will carry the Police General Directorate further by working in harmony and unity with all units to ensure the peace and security of the people. He noted that he has full faith in the matter and congratulated Ahmet Beşerler and wished him success in his new position.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: BRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

Ahmet Beşerler has been promoted to the rank of Deputy General Director of the Police, according to a statement by the Police Press Officer. The ceremony was attended by District Police and PGM-Division Managers, including Police General Director Kasım Kuni. Beşerler expressed his happiness and pride at the appointment and pledged to work towards advancing the police organization in solidarity with all members. Police General Director Kasım Kuni expressed his confidence in Beşerler’s ability to carry out his duties responsibly and wished him success in his new role.

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