
„Yogurt“ attack on women without headscarf in Iran

In Iran, a person attacked two women who were not wearing headscarves while they were shopping at the market, with yogurt. It was stated that the attacker, who poured the yogurt he took from the shelf down the heads of the women, was taken into custody, while an investigation was launched against two women for „not obeying the headscarf rule in society“.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/TRT

ACM Cyprus

ACM Cyprus

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Pools Plus Cyprus

Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

In Iran, a person assaulted two women in a market for not wearing headscarves by pouring yogurt on their heads. The attacker was taken into custody, but an investigation was launched against the two women for not following the headscarf rule.

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