
World Autism Awareness Day message from KTBB: “Autism is not a disease, it is a difference!”

The Cyprus Turkish Medical Association (KTBB) said in the message it published on the occasion of April 2 World Autism Awareness Day, “Autism is not a disease, it is a difference!” He said, “It is important for our social development to embrace differences and provide opportunities to host them as a society. It should not be forgotten that there are many individuals with autism who have made a significant contribution to the world and left traces.”

In the country, KTBB, which is primarily suspected in routine child follow-up outpatient clinics, but calls for developmental testing for all children as soon as possible, aims to increase the number of special education centers in the country for the needs of diagnosed children; development and tighter control of existing centers; He emphasized that there is a need to increase the number of studies carried out so that children can continue to school with children who develop normally through Inclusive Education, and to make necessary arrangements for the integration of these individuals into working life.

On behalf of the KTBB Board of Directors, the union representative, Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases Specialist Dr. Ayşe Zeki and the Secretary General of the Union Dr. Ceyhun Dalkan made a joint statement on the occasion of the World Autism Awareness Day.

In the statement, it was stated that Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neuro-developmental difference that emerges in the first years of life and needs to be supported with early diagnosis and early special education, and it is caused by the different functioning of the human brain, not structurally, but functionally, the relationship of the individual with the world in his life, his relationship with other people, It was stated that he had a neuro-developmental disability that negatively affected his social interaction.

In the statement, which stated that each individual in this spectrum is unique and unique in itself, it was pointed out that the number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder is showing an increasing momentum today.

-“With awareness studies, more children started to be diagnosed at an early age”

Pointing out that April 2 is commemorated as the „World Autism Awareness Day“ in order to increase social awareness about autism in the country as well as all over the world, the statement said, „During April, the problems faced by children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families are discussed and solutions are sought, and solutions are sought for these children earlier. It is tried to create awareness so that they can reach special education support earlier. These awareness studies carried out over the years have yielded results and today more and more children are beginning to be diagnosed at an early age.

– “An inclusive approach is needed that focuses on accepting, supporting and inclusion of people with autism”

Dr. Ayşe Zeki and Dr. Ceyhun Dalkan emphasized that “Although individuals on the Autism Spectrum are different from other members of the society, they have equal rights and freedoms with other individuals” and used the following expressions:

“Raising awareness about autism is no longer enough. In order to emphasize the necessity of accepting these individuals by the society today, the theme of World Autism Awareness Day for 2023 has been determined as ‚Transform the story: Contribute to home, work, art and policy making‘. This call was created to emphasize that individuals on the Autism Spectrum should be accepted and supported at home, at school, at work and in social life, and that they have the right to speak and express their preferences. In other words, it is tried to underline that it should be moved away from the focus of healing and transformation of individuals with autism by noticing it, and should be transformed into an inclusive approach that focuses on accepting, supporting and inclusion of people with Autism.”

-“Autism Spectrum symptoms are usually noticed before the age of 3… Red flag symptoms”

Pointing out that Autism Spectrum symptoms are usually noticed by individuals around children before the age of 3, experts stated that speech delay is usually the first noticed symptom, and that Autism Spectrum Disorder has symptoms called „red flag symptoms“ and listed them as follows:

“Failure to make eye contact, not looking when the name is spoken, repetitive movements such as swaying, flapping wings, retardation in speech even though the hearing test is normal, saying some words repeatedly and in inappropriate places, movements such as turning some objects or watching things that are spinning, what is said despite the hearing test is normal. pretending not to hear, not showing what they want with their finger, not being able to play with their peers, not knowing how to play with toys according to their function, stacking them side by side or on top of each other and not having imitation behavior.

– “Children with Autism Spectrum symptoms should be evaluated by a Child Psychiatrist”

Stating that children with Autism Spectrum signs or symptoms should be evaluated quickly by a Child Psychiatrist, experts said:

“The diagnosis of autism is a diagnosis made as a result of the history taken from the family and the clinical evaluation made by the child psychiatrist. There is no blood test. In order to evaluate their development, children are given a developmental test, and Ear, Nose, Throat and Audiological examinations are requested to evaluate them in terms of hearing and speech pathologies. If necessary, neurologic examinations are also recommended. With early diagnosis, early and competent treatment, the findings decrease and these children can be brought to life. “

-“A developmental test should be performed on all children who are suspected first in the country, but as soon as possible”

The experts, who called for „all children who are suspected in the routine child follow-up outpatient clinics in the north of Cyprus, but should be given a developmental test as soon as possible“, stated the following:

“There are not enough effective and experienced special education centers in our country that our diagnosed children need, their numbers should be increased in public and private sectors. In addition, the educational staff and equipment of the existing centers should be improved and more tightly controlled. It should reach the number and equipment that can provide adequate and effective service to all children in need and living in the northern part of Cyprus. Studies should be increased so that children can continue to school with children who develop normally through Inclusive Education. In addition, there is a need to make the necessary arrangements for the integration of these individuals into working life.

Experts say, “Autism is not a disease, it is a difference,” and the concept of neurodiversity (the idea that individuals experience and interact with the world in many different ways) is now adopted. This concept is also used to emphasize that each individual on the Autism Spectrum is unique and unique. It is important for our social development to embrace differences and provide opportunities to accommodate them as a society. It should not be forgotten that there are many individuals with autism who have made a significant contribution to the world and left traces.”


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The Cyprus Turkish Medical Association (KTBB) issued a message for World Autism Awareness Day, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and special education for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The association called for the increase in the number of special education centers in the country to provide adequate and effective service to all children in need and tighter control of existing centers. KTBB also highlighted the need to increase the number of studies carried out for Inclusive Education, which allows children to continue school with their peers who develop normally, and to make necessary arrangements for the integration of individuals with autism into working life. The message emphasized that autism is not a disease but a difference and stated that it is crucial for society to embrace differences and provide opportunities to accommodate them.

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