
Who is Mehmet Demirkol, with which team?

Mehmet Demirkol, who has announced the team he has supported many times before, once again said that he is a Fenerbahçe fan.

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Who is Mehmet Demirkol?

Mehmet Demirkol was born in 1970 in Istanbul.

Demirkol graduated from Galatasaray High School and later graduated from Marmara University, Department of Public Administration in French.

Demirkol, who worked as a copywriter for a while, started writing at Gazete Pazar. He then continued in New Millennium and Radikal.

Mehmet Demirkol, who added his journalistic identity by following the 2002 World Cup onsite and conveying his observations, is one of the founding team of Radikal Futbol Magazine.

Demirkol, who gathered his writings from the 2002 World Cup, published his book titled “Tae Han Min Guk / 2002 World Cup Letters”.

Demirkol, who has not been a commentator on television, has been working on various Youtube channels in digital media as of 2023.

Mehmet Demirkol is the father of two children.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: BRTK/CNN

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Mehmet Demirkol is a journalist and writer born in Istanbul in 1970. He graduated from Galatasaray High School and later from Marmara University in the Department of Public Administration in French. Demirkol started his career as a copywriter and later worked for Gazete Pazar, New Millennium, and Radikal. He gained his journalistic identity by following the 2002 World Cup and conveying his observations, and is one of the founding members of Radikal Futbol Magazine. Demirkol published a book titled “Tae Han Min Guk / 2002 World Cup Letters”, which is a collection of his writings from the 2002 World Cup. As of 2023, he is working on various Youtube channels in digital media. He has declared himself a Fenerbahçe fan and is a father of two.

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