
Which Doctor to Go to for Cough? Which Section Takes Care of the Cough?

Which Doctor to Go to for Cough?

Generally, coughs that persist for less than three weeks are described as acute cough. Coughs that last between 3 and 8 weeks and eventually get better are called subacute coughs. However, persistent coughs that last longer than 8 weeks become a chronic cough and if it does not improve in a few weeks, it can be a serious condition.

It is useful to go to a specialist doctor to investigate and treat the causes of cough due to different reasons. The doctor to go for cough is otolaryngologist.

Which Section Takes Care of the Cough?

Cough is not a disease by itself. It is a symptom of some diseases, such as colds and colds. For cough with or without sputum or acute or chronic cough, it is necessary to go to the Ear Nose and Throat polyclinic.

Apart from the ENT department, it is also possible to go to the internal medicine department. The ENT takes care of the cough that occurs due to throat diseases. If necessary, ENT doctors can refer the patient to the internal medicine or infectious diseases department.

What Causes Acute Cough?

Acute cough is a short-term cough. This cough, which occurs for many different reasons, passes in a short time. Causes of acute cough include:

– Grip

– common cold

– bronchitis

– Laryngitis

– Pneumonia

– Hay fever

What are the Causes of Chronic Cough?

A chronic cough is a cough that lasts longer. The cause must be identified and treated. The causes of chronic cough are:

– Smoking


– Some drug use,

– Mucus flowing from the back of the nose to the throat

– Asthma

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The article discusses which doctor to go to for cough and which department takes care of cough. It explains that cough can be acute, subacute, or chronic and that persistent coughs that last longer than 8 weeks require investigation and treatment by a specialist doctor. The otolaryngologist is the doctor to go for cough, and the Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) polyclinic is the department that takes care of cough. The article also lists the causes of acute cough and chronic cough, and advises that chronic cough requires identification and treatment of its underlying cause.

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