
What is whale vomit, what does amber do and why is it expensive?

Whale vomit is known as a substance that is used in different sectors and is produced very little. This part produced by the whale is especially used in the fragrance industry. Here’s what you need to know about whale vomit amber…

WHAT IS Whale Vomit Amber?

Amber is a solid, waxy substance produced in the digestive systems of whales. It resembles a rock. It is a flammable and very valuable substance that can be black or gray in color. This substance, produced in the digestive system of the whale, allows sharp and hard objects to slide through the intestines. When first produced, amber, which smells like faeces, later turns into a powerful chemical with refreshing essences. Amber, one of the indispensable ingredients of expensive perfumes, is excreted by whales, but sometimes it is so large that it cannot pass through the digestive system and the whale vomits that excrement out. While those vomit balls appear on the ocean surface, they sometimes wash up on the shore.


Since Whale Vomit is a natural substance, it is stronger than chemical reactions. Amber, which also increases the permanence of the perfume, is therefore expensive. It is mostly found in countries such as Brazil, Maldives and New Zealand, which have coastlines on the Atlantic Ocean.

10 million lira worth of 'whale vomit' seized

10 million lira worth of ‚whale vomit‘ seized

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Source Link: BRTK/CNN

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This article discusses whale vomit, also known as amber, which is a valuable substance used in the fragrance industry. Amber is a solid, waxy substance produced in the digestive system of whales, which allows sharp and hard objects to slide through the intestines. When first produced, amber smells like faeces, but later turns into a powerful chemical with refreshing essences. Amber is excreted by whales, and sometimes it cannot pass through the digestive system, so the whale vomits that excrement out. The article also mentions that amber increases the permanence of perfume and is found mostly in countries with coastlines on the Atlantic Ocean. The article includes a photo of a recent seizure of 10 million lira worth of whale vomit.

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