
What is Family and Youth Bank and when will it be established? Family and Youth Bank will give loans to newlyweds!

President Erdoğan said, „In order to encourage our young people to start a family, we will contribute financially to them in every field from education to employment, from marriage to childcare. To achieve these goals, we will establish a Family and Youth Bank, whose source will be provided by our country’s own natural gas and oil revenues.“ .

In addition, President Erdoğan, in the joint live broadcast of CNN Türk Kanal D, said, “We encourage our young people to start a family. We will give a marriage loan to our newly married couples. We will establish a family and youth bank. We will support our youth with this bank. We will support it with the income of natural gas. We will be with them with grant and incentive programs. Don’t let the difficulty of the conditions and the scarcity of opportunities scare them.“

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Source Link: BRTK/CNN

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The Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has announced the establishment of a new financial institution called the Family and Youth Bank. The bank will be funded by natural gas and oil revenues and will provide financial support to young adults in Turkey, specifically in areas such as education, employment, marriage, and childcare. The President also stated that the bank will offer marriage loans to newlyweds and will provide grant and incentive programs to help young people overcome financial difficulties and limited opportunities.

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