
UN reports 300% rise in irregular migrant arrivals in Italy

UNHCR Concerned About Irregular Migration in Central Mediterranean

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) spokesperson, Matthew Saltmarsh voiced the agency’s concerns about the situation of irregular migrants trying to cross the Central Mediterranean. Speaking at a weekly press conference moderated by UN Geneva Office spokesperson Alessandra Vellucci, Saltmarsh said that the UN has brought the issue to the agenda many times in its statements. He welcomed Italy’s declaration of a state of emergency (OHAL) for 6 months to manage the migrant crisis thus allowing allocation of additional funds to increase the capacity and standards for irregular migrants and refugees. Italy is facing an increased number of irregular refugees arriving in the country, with a 300% increase compared to the same period last year. Saltmarsh stressed the need for international solidarity and establishment of new generation evacuation and redistribution centers for those who arrive by sea.

The Central Mediterranean route is a popular route among irregular migrants to Europe where intense mobility has been observed in recent years. European civil society organizations (CSO) usually rescue irregular migrants who call for help at sea. These CSOs have difficulties in evacuating the irregular migrants they rescue due to EU member states‘ failure to provide a „safe haven“. The first place where irregular migrants set foot in Europe is Lampedusa Island, which is the closest land part of Italy to North Africa. Many irregular migrants die each year while trying to cross the Mediterranean due to the boat capsizing or the lack of air and water. According to the data of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the number of immigrants arriving in Italy this year has reached 31,357, with 3,000 arriving this past weekend alone.

Saltmarsh emphasized that „saving lives“ at sea is a long-standing maritime tradition and also a legal duty of states. He hopes that a long-term solution will be found for the irregular migration problem in the Mediterranean, where there are major gaps in the rescue capacity.

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