
TRNC Human Rights Association: We protest the attack on the President in London

President of the TRNC Human Rights Association Hasan Y. Işık condemned the attempt by a group of students to prevent President Ersin Tatar from attending a program in London.

In his written statement on the subject, Işık said, “The President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Nikos Christodoulis, condemned President Ersin Tatar, who went to King’s College to give a conference on Cyprus, and a group of Greek students protesting and attempting an attack by blocking the convoy. Our association has waited until today, but regretfully observed that no such statement was made.”

Işık said, “Our association strongly protests this attack, which is actually being carried out against the Turkish Cypriots with Greek Flags in the person of the President of the TRNC.” He also noted that they called on Christodoulis to apologize for the attack in London.


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Source Link: BRT

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The President of the TRNC Human Rights Association, Hasan Y. Işık, has condemned a group of students who attempted to prevent President Ersin Tatar from attending a program in London. Işık criticized the lack of condemnation from the President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Nikos Christodoulis, and called on him to apologize for the attack. The incident involved a group of Greek students protesting and attempting to block the convoy of the President of the TRNC.

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