
They set up a fake site for Togg pre-order! New development about those scammers

According to the information received, a fake website was established in order to defraud citizens who want to pre-register with the opening of pre-registration applications in order to buy Turkey’s domestic car, Togg. The teams of the Anti-Cyber ​​Crime Branch started to work on the reports of defrauding citizens through a fake website. It was determined that citizens were defrauded by creating similar websites under the title of „Welcome“ to the Togg Mobil2 Initiative group on the fake website named „togg.satisonbasvuru.com“, which was established within the framework of the investigation carried out by the Anti-Cyber ​​Crime Branch Directorate and the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. It was determined that the fraud money deposited by the citizens came to the accounts defined by the company named Mobil2 Digital Electronic Limited Company, and the owner of the said company was a person named Vedat Biren. The suspect was caught by the police and taken into custody. The person, who was transferred to the courthouse after the procedures at the police station, was arrested in the court where he was taken and sent to prison.

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Source Link: CNN/NTV

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On April 1, 2023, it was reported that scammers had set up a fake website to defraud citizens of their money by claiming that they could pre-register for Turkey’s domestic car, Togg. The case was investigated by teams from the Anti-Cyber Crime Branch and the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office. It was found that citizens had been deceived by a website named „togg.satisonbasvuru.com“ which created similar websites to the Togg Mobil2 Initiative group. The fraud money was transferred to accounts owned by a company named Mobil2 Digital Electronic Limited Company and its owner, Vedat Biren, was arrested and sent to prison.

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