
The General Assembly of the Assembly of the Republic could not convene after the break

The Presidency of the Assembly of the Republic announced that the work of the general assembly could not be carried out because “stenographers left the General Assembly hall on the grounds that the working hours were to end at 16.15”.

The following statements were included in the statement:

“According to Article 161 of the Rules of Procedure of the Republic Assembly with the sub-title ‚Keeping and Correcting the Minutes‘, the minutes of the General Assembly meeting are kept as full minutes by stenographers and with the help of audio recording and video recording system.

In this context, at the 40th meeting of the General Assembly dated April 3, the above-mentioned employees left the General Assembly hall on the grounds that the working hours of the General Assembly would end at 16.15 while the General Assembly was still working. For this reason, the Speaker of the Assembly, who managed the assembly, suspended the General Assembly. However, as the current situation continues, the general assembly work could not be carried out.”

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: BRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The work of the General Assembly in Turkey was interrupted due to the stenographers leaving the General Assembly hall at the scheduled end of working hours, despite the assembly still being in session. The rules of the Republic Assembly specify that minutes of the meeting are to be kept by stenographers and with the help of audio and video recording. The Speaker of the Assembly suspended the General Assembly due to the interruption, and as the situation continued, no further work could be carried out.

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