

„Did Mehmet Aslantuğ enter parliament or was he elected as a representative? How many votes did he receive in the 2023 election result?“ = „Ist Mehmet Aslantuğ Abgeordneter gewählt oder ins Parlament eingezogen? Wie viele Stimmen bekam er bei den Wahlen 2023?“

Türkische Parlamentswahlen: Hat Mehmet Aslantuğ einen Sitz im Parlament? Am Sonntag, dem 14. Mai 2023, fanden die Parlamentswahlen zur 28.…

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„2023 ALES Result Announcement Date“.

The Academic Personnel and Graduate Education Entrance Exam (ALES) is a crucial exam for those who want to pursue a…

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3 Azerbaijani soldiers were killed as a result of the fire of the Armenian army

In a statement made by the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, it was reported that Armenian soldiers positioned in the…

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