

Giftiger Plattensee: Kokain, Hormone und Sonnencreme bedrohen Gewässer.

Die Gewässer und die Tierwelt des Plattensees sind ernsthaft bedroht, da das Ungarische Meer mit Sonnenschutzmitteln, Hormonen und Kokainderivaten verschmutzt…

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Which Doctor to Go to for Hormone Disorder? Which Department Deals with Hormone Disorders?

11.04.2023 11:30 Last Update: 11.04.2023 11:33 Which Doctor to Go to for Hormone Disorder? Hormones ensure that body functions work…

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It disrupts hormones, traps your body! It invites sickness.

It is known that hormones control the body from the mother’s womb. When the hormonal balance is disturbed, there is…

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