

Where was the Film „What Happened“ Shot? Who is in the Cast?“ -> „Wo wurde der Film „What Happened“ gedreht? Wer ist in der Besetzung?

Ata Demirer spielt die Hauptrolle in der von BKM produzierten Komödie, die auch bekannte Namen wie Tuvana Türkay, Salih Kalyon,…

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In One Hundred Years of Miracle, Süreyya fired Kemal! „Wonderful, surprised at what happened“

Star TV’s new series „One Hundred Years of Miracles“ aired on Thursday, April 13, with its 4th episode. Years later,…

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Macron was surprised at what happened! His speech was interrupted

While the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, continued his contacts in the Netherlands, where he came as part of his…

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