

Die Verstaatlichung der Capital Bank: Neue Vorstandsstruktur

Der Verwaltungsrat der Capital Bank OJSC hat beschlossen, die Zusammensetzung des Vorstands zu ändern. Dies berichtet die Website der kirgisischen…

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Hattusa, the capital of the Hittites, was covered in white

Hattusa, the capital of the Hittites, located in Çorum’s Boğazkale district, turned white after the snowfall. Hittites capital city Hattusahosted…

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The restoration of the 118-year-old mosque in the capital has come to an end

118 years old in Karahoca District Karahoca MosqueWithin the scope of the restoration that started last year, works such as…

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Schaltfläche "Zurück zum Anfang"