
Surah Ettehiyyatu Recitation and Meanings in Turkish and Arabic: Virtues and Benefits of Ettehiyyatu Prayer (Listen to Tafsir and Religious Translation)

Surah Ettehiyatu Recitation and Meaning in Turkish, Arabic

Tahiyat prayer is not a verse and is not mentioned in the Quran. The prayer of Ettehiyatü Hz. Muhammad was blessed by Allah (cc) on the night of Miraj.

The Arabic reading of the prayer Ettehiyyatu is as follows: „Ettehiyyatu lillahi, vessalavatu vettayyibatu. Esselamu aleyke, eyyühen, nebiyyu ve rahmatullahi ve berakatüh. Esselamu, Aleyna ve ala ibadillahis salihin. Eşhedü en lahedusuluh…“

The Turkish meaning of the Tahiya prayer is as follows: „May Allah’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you, peace be upon us and all good servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad, He is His servant and Prophet…“

Virtues and Benefits of Ettehiyyatü Prayer (Listen to Tafsir and Religious Translation)

Each prayer has various virtues and benefits. In the Qur’an, it is emphasized that all acts of worship that people do with their tongue, body and property are for Allah. There are many virtues and benefits of Tahiyat, that is, Ettehiyyatü prayer, which a Muslim constantly reads while praying 5 times a day. Some of these can be grouped under the following headings:

If a person recites the prayer of tahiyat when he feels alone and helpless, he will get rid of this negative feeling. Ettehiyyatu prayer is a good way to deal with feelings of loneliness and unhappiness.

Insomnia is a condition that negatively affects the whole life and causes a great disruption in the daily work of the person. By Allah’s leave, a person suffering from insomnia should recite the Ettehiyyatü prayer.

Mankind is weak. This is emphasized in many places in the Qur’an. It is recommended that the person who needs consolation cling to the prayer of Ettehiyyatu. The prayer of Ettehiyyatu will be effective in the loss of one’s sense of helplessness.

There are many kinds of tests for man. These can sometimes cause deep distress, grief and sadness. With the permission of Allah, it is possible to get rid of the state of grief caused by those who have come to power in these exams by reciting the prayer Ettehiyyatü a lot.

Umm Sibyan Prayer Turkish, Arabic Recitation And Meaning: The Virtues And Benefits Of Umm Sibyan Prayer (Listen Interpretation And Religious Translation)

Umm Sibyan Prayer Turkish, Arabic Recitation And Meaning: The Virtues And Benefits Of Umm Sibyan Prayer (Listen Interpretation And Religious Translation)

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The article discusses the recitation and meaning of the prayer of Ettehiyyatü in Turkish and Arabic. It explains that the prayer was blessed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad during the night journey of Miraj. The virtues and benefits of the prayer are highlighted, such as its effectiveness in dealing with feelings of loneliness, insomnia, helplessness, and grief. The article also mentions that all acts of worship are for Allah and encourages Muslims to constantly recite the prayer while performing their daily prayers. A related article about Umm Sibyan prayer in Turkish and Arabic is also featured.

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