
Regional LLCs illegally used 22 billion soums of electricity in March

The most cases of illegal use of electricity were reported in Fergana, Namangan, Jizzakh and Samarkand regions.

Photo: Ministry of Energy

In March of this year, during the monitoring activities carried out in cooperation with the Uzenergoinspektsiya under the Ministry of Energy and law enforcement agencies, cases of illegal use of 46.2 million kWh of electricity were detected in 510 cases, the Ministry of Energy reports.

Reportedly, it became known that as a result of illegal use of electricity, the system suffered a loss of 21.9 billion soums. This volume of electricity is the average monthly consumption of 231,000 households.

The most cases of illegal use of electricity were found in Fergana, Namangan, Jizzakh and Samarkand regions.

Recalculation works in the amount of 1.6 billion soums were carried out in the metal products manufacturing workshop belonging to LLC “M.S.S” in Namangan, 898 million soums – in the LLC “M.K.” in Samarkand, 349 million soums – in the LLC “D.K.” in Fergana.

“Measures were taken in accordance with the established procedure against the illegal consumers, and the relevant documents were submitted to the law enforcement agencies. Control activities are continuing in the regions,” the report reads.

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The Ministry of Energy in Uzbekistan has reported that 46.2 million kWh of electricity was illegally used in 510 cases, leading to a system loss of 21.9 billion soums in March. This loss is equivalent to the average monthly consumption of 231,000 households. The Fergana, Namangan, Jizzakh and Samarkand regions saw the most incidences of illegal electricity use. The ministry is continuing its control activities in the areas and has taken legal action against those who have been discovered illegally consuming electricity.

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