
Prime Minister Ünal Üstel received the Cyprus TMT Mujahideen Association

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel accepted the Cyprus TMT Mujahideen Association. At the reception, the Cyprus TMT Mujahideen Association presented the check of the donation collected from the donation campaign they organized to help the earthquake victims to Prime Minister Üstel.

According to the statement made by the Prime Ministry, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, who spoke at the reception, thanked the Cyprus TMT Mujahideen Association for their donation and stated that the donations would be delivered to the needed points.

Stating that “During the earthquake disaster, our state has put forth its best effort with all its means”, Üstel emphasized that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is one of the countries that sends the most aid to Turkey, relative to the population. “This is the most concrete indicator of how strong our brotherhood law is. Turkey’s pain is also our pain,“ he said.

Stating that the aid is still continuing, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel also stated that with the law passed to contribute to the efforts to prepare the country for earthquakes, the resources to be collected on a voluntary basis will be used where the people need it most.

Prime Minister Ünal Üstün continued his speech as follows:

“We presented a very special offer to the members of the Champion Angels Survival Association who came to visit us today. We will most likely evaluate the salaries to be deducted from our employees for the Champion Angels School to be held in Famagusta in consultation with this association. These processes are processes in which social solidarity and social unity come to the fore. These processes are processes that require us to be one, to be united. On this occasion, I would like to thank the Turkish Cypriot TMT Mujahideen Association for their donation to our brothers and sisters who needed it in the Motherland Republic of Turkey during the Earthquake Disaster of the Century, to be used to heal their wounds. Have no doubt, all the help you have given is being delivered to the points where it should be and will be delivered.”

Cyprus TMT Mujahideen Association President Celal Bayar, in his speech, wished God’s mercy to those who lost their lives in the earthquake in the Republic of Turkey and a speedy recovery to the injured.

Bayar said, “Due to this disaster, we, as the association, have organized a donation campaign to help a little bit for the people who have been victims of this disaster on a voluntary basis. In this context, we have deposited the aid money collected into the donation account opened within the Prime Ministry. We hope that this aid will contribute to the healing of the wounds of the families in need, at least a little. We thank Mr. Prime Minister for accepting us and offer our respects to all our people.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: BRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The Cyprus TMT Mujahideen Association presented a donation to Prime Minister Ünal Üstel to help the earthquake victims. The Prime Minister thanked the association and stated that the donations would be delivered to those in need. Üstel also emphasized the strong brotherhood between Turkey and Northern Cyprus and thanked Turkey for its support during the earthquake disaster. The aid efforts are still ongoing, and a law has been passed to prepare the country for earthquakes. The Champion Angels Survival Association also visited and received a special offer from the Prime Minister. The Cyprus TMT Mujahideen Association donated the collected funds to the donation account opened within the Prime Ministry to help the families in need.

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