
Number of Argalis Booms in Kazakhstan’s Nature Reserve

ASTANA — When a specially protected natural area was created at the Karatau Nature Reserve in the Turkestan region back in 2004, there were only approximately 40 Karatau argalis, the biggest species of wild sheep. After ensuring full protection of the 34,300 hectares of the area in 2022, their number increased to 1,136 heads, a thirty-fold rise. Counting of the animals ended on March 31, the press service of the Forestry and Animal Development Committee of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources reported.

Photo credit: gov.kz. Click to see the map in full size. The map is designed by The Astana Times.

The Karatau Nature Reserve is located in the central part of the Karatau Range, which is a branch of the northwestern arcs of Tien-Shan mountain ranges in the Turkestan Region. The highest point of the ridge is the Mynzhylky mountain in the upper reaches of Bessaz at 2,176 meters. The reserve borders the deserts of Moyinkum, Kyzylkum and Betpak-Dala.

Photo credit: gov.kz.

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The number of Karatau argalis, the biggest species of wild sheep, has increased thirty-fold in the Karatau Nature Reserve in the Turkestan region of Kazakhstan. In 2004, when the specially protected natural area was created, there were only approximately 40 Karatau argalis. After ensuring full protection of the area and expanding it to cover 34,300 hectares, their number increased to 1,136 heads. The Karatau Nature Reserve is located in the central part of the Karatau Range, which is a branch of the northwestern arcs of Tien-Shan mountain ranges in the Turkestan Region.

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