
Nilgün Belgün: I will continue my artistic life with theater

Nilgün Belgün was seen in Nişantaşı the previous day. Belgün, who said that she continued the theater play ‚Love and Comedy‘, which she performed alone for a long time, said, „Do you receive offers from TV series or cinema projects?“ To the question, „Yes, I do, but I do not want to play in TV series and cinema projects again. I quit. I will continue my art life only with theater.“

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Source Link: NTV/Mynet

ACM Cyprus

ACM Cyprus

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Nilgün Belgün, who is known for her performances in TV series and cinema, stated that she will continue her artistic life only with theater. When asked if she received offers for TV series or cinema projects, Belgün replied that she did but had no interest in participating, and that she would continue to focus solely on theater. She was seen in Nişantaşı the previous day, where she mentioned continuing her theater play „Love and Comedy,“ which she has performed alone for an extended period of time.

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