
New evidence in Trump’s ’secret documents‘ investigation

The Washington Post, citing sources familiar with the investigation, reported that Justice Department and FBI investigators were working on new evidence unearthed from Trump’s former aide’s email and phone messages.

In the news, detailed information about the critical times in Mar-a-Lago, within the scope of the investigation of the correspondence of Molly Michael, Trump’s aide, who quit last year after working with him for a while in Florida after his duty at the White House, with the former president. provided was stated.

It was reported that investigators conducting the investigation evaluated the new evidence in terms of „possible obstruction“ to official requests and activities to keep confidential documents in Trump’s hands.

It was stated that the said sources reported that Trump personally examined some boxes in his mansion after the official call to return the classified documents, and that he was suspected of taking some boxes containing documents out of the mansion according to the statements of witnesses and security records.

Some evidence also shows that Trump is waiting for advice with his lawyers and advisers on how he can keep the documents, in which case the former president is being examined whether he deliberately tried to prevent the authorities from collecting all classified material in Mar-a-Lago.

Trump’s home in Florida was raided by FBI agents on the morning of August 8, 2022, to investigate „confidential documents“.

While Trump described the raid and the ongoing investigations as „political“, he specifically requested that the documents taken from Mar-a-Lago be reviewed by an „independent arbitrator or special judge“.

The „secret documents“ and „January 6th Congressional raid“ investigations against Trump are chaired by former Attorney General Jack Smith, who has been appointed as the special commissioned expert.

This news has been translated by google translate.

Source Link: NTV/TRT

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Artificial intelligence has reinterpreted this news for you.

The Washington Post reported that investigators from the Justice Department and FBI had found new evidence in the email and phone messages of Molly Michael, Trump’s former aide. This evidence showed that Trump may have obstructed official requests and activities to keep confidential documents in his possession. Witnesses and security records suggest that Trump removed some boxes containing classified documents from his mansion after the official call to return them. Additionally, there is evidence that Trump sought advice from his lawyers and advisers on how to keep the documents. The investigations against Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate were led by former Attorney General Jack Smith, who was appointed as the special commissioned expert. Trump has described the investigations and the raid on his home as „political“ and has requested that an independent arbitrator or special judge review the documents taken from Mar-a-Lago.

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